Cat Cafe Nyankoto: Tokyo, Japan


Contact Information

Address: 〒169-0075 Tōkyō-to, Shinjuku-ku, 新宿区Takadanobaba, 2 Chome−14−6

Phone:  +81 3-6233-9662

Hours: Mon-Sun 11:00 - 22:00

Entrance Fee: 800 yen/hour inc. beverage; 200 yen/15 min 



Website / Social Media


Facebook: @nyankoto.catcafe

Instagram: None

Twitter:  @catcafenyankoto


Cat vs Cafe (80/20)


At Home In Tokyo:  Review of Cat Cafe Nyankoto

Cat Cafe Nyankoto was the first cafe we visited in Tokyo and it stands out, luckily, for all the right reasons. 

Nyankoto is run by a motivated owner who wants you to have a good time.  The setting is clean, fresh and very home-like with much of the seating on the floor where you can grab a fuzzy blanket and wait for the cats to fight over your lap.  These kitties are incredibly playful and social- amongst the most friendly cats I've come across in all of my world travels.  A variety of feline friends await you, including kittens, which are brought out sparingly to avoid over-stimulating them.

The visitors to this cafe are less tourist and more local, owing to the very reasonable entrance fee of 800 yen/hour which include a free beverage.  However, the owner has some English and is exceptionally welcoming to foreigners and locals alike, even offering everyone in the room a handful of cat treats for just 100 yen, a total bargain.

I found Cat Cafe Nyankoto to be a delight and am confident that you will walk away smiling, just as we did.

Date Visited:  6/1/17
