Brooklyn Cat Cafe:  Brooklyn, NY, USA


Contact Information

Address: 149 Atlantic Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11201

Phone:  (347) 946-2286

Hours: M/Th/F 13-20, S/S 11-19:30, Closed T/W  

Entrance Fee:  $6/30 minutes per person 


Brooklyn Cat Cafe.png

Website / Social Media


Facebook: @catcafeBK

Instagram:  catcafebk

Twitter: @catcafebk

Cat vs Cafe (100/0)


Big Apple Cats Part III: Review of Brooklyn Cat Cafe

We've all heard the cliches about the people of different states.  Minnesotans (where I'm from) are nice (aka Minnesota Nice) while New Yorkers are rude, uptight and impatient, but after a visit to Brooklyn Cat Cafe you might question how that stereotype ever existed.

We visited the cafe late on a Sunday afternoon.  Normally, we schedule time outside of busy weekend hours for maximum kitty interaction, but alas, our visit to NYC was short and Sunday it was.

Indeed, it was packed, but the kind host greeted us with a smile and suggested we try again in 30 minutes.  We popped into Espresso Me, a block down Atlantic, for a quick cup of joe before heading back, which worked well since the cafe's snack options are limited.  They don't mind if you bring your own coffee, though, so keep that in mind!

As we arrived, a large group of people exited and after signing the waiver and sanitizing our hands, we entered kitty heaven.

The space is small, but clean, cozy and chilled out with plenty of comfy couches for kitty cuddles.  Speaking of cats, there were forty felines in residence when we visited, courtesy of Brooklyn Bridge Animal Welfare Coalition.  Most of them were so friendly and well-socialized, it was hard to believe many had heart-breaking back stories, including a kitten with paralysis in her back legs.  Despite this challenge, she wasn't letting it stop her, scooting around with her front paws and inspiring everyone in the room.

As of December, Brooklyn Cat Cafe had only been open for 18 months, but in that time had found forever homes for over 400 cats including several rescues from Florida and Puerto Rico after the devastating hurricanes there.  Congratulations everyone, that is incredible!!

While I was chatting with the staff about the cats, I found myself in awe of them.  BCC has some of the most caring volunteers, so warm and welcoming, that the atmosphere feels like a giant hug.  Check out the smiling lady in the first photo above.  That's the essence of Brooklyn Cat Cafe- a happy place with happy people.    

Honestly, it was hard to decide who was sweeter- the staff or the cats!  

Bidding our final farewells with promises to return and stay in touch, it reminded me of goodbyes I've shared with fellow travelers during the last two years on the road where we have shared some incredible experiences, bonded, and then... gone.   It's not your stereotypical cat cafe and that's what makes it special. 

Forget Minnesota Nice and say hello to New York Nice.

Date Visited:  12/3/17
